
Tanker structure and function in accordance with the differences can be used for a variety of categories.

In terms of the size of the oil transport capacity can be divided into general transportation capacity (the amount of oil is 40 ~ 60L per minute) of the tanker and the large flow (the amount of oil is 80 ~ 90L per minute) natural gas dispenser.
If you press the number contained in each refueling tanker refueling gun unit or can be divided into single gun tanker, guns and more guns refueling tanker.
By refueling tanker pump source can be divided into self-priming and submersible pump dispenser containing the.
In addition, according to the different functions of the special auxiliary tanker have mobile tankers, tanker car, suspension-free island refueling system with refueling vapor recovery function, adjustable set a different label contaminated fuel oil machine, and the host computer networking or controlled tanker, and China's Fiscal diesel fuel dispenser and so on.

