
fuel dispenser selection

Tanker selection: 1. should be used with the self-styled refueling gun tanker; 2. gasoline refueling gun gasoline flow rate should not exceed 50L / min. The flow rate should not exceed 4.5m / s; imported vacuum degree 3. auto fuel dispenser self-priming should not be less than 54KPa, the outlet pressure should be less than 0.3MPa; 4. with a gas station should use the same brand of tankers, need retail fuel dispensers installation process tanker refueling vapor recovery systems, oil and gas recovery function should be used with multi-gun 5. multi oil refueling process, you should use a tank to install one or two sets of submersible pumps for multi-gun refueling machine; 6. supply city gas station less than four per tank gun, should use self-priming frequency tanker, when a tank supply more than four guns, should use submersible pump inverter tanker;

