
Alternative classification of electromagnetic flowmeters:

Electromagnetic flowmeter according to flow sensor structure classification can be divided into short tube type and insertion type. Short tubular structure such that the structure of the conventional electromagnetic flowmeter electromagneticfuel meters, flow sensor with measuring pipe is connected to the piping system. Insertion electromagnetic flowmeter sensor is an electromagnetic velocity sensor is substantially, the excitation coil and the electrode assembly into a rod, inserted from the opening in the pipe under test, the measured flow rate converter preset factor multiplication pipeline and area requirements hydrochloride take traffic. In addition to single-point "point velocity", there are side more "run-off speed" are.
Electromagnetic flowmeter according to this classification method can be divided into contact and non-contact electrode electromagnetic flowmeter electromagnetic gasoline flow meter electrode. Electrode contact type electromagnetic flowmeter electrode is in contact with the liquid EMF conventional structure, typically a pair of electrodes, large diameter instrument industry useful two pairs of electrodes. Non-full tube EMF is also useful for three pairs of the motor or strip electrodes. Non-contact electrode type electromagnetic flowmeter is a large area of the electrode close to the lining (or insulation measuring tube) outer surface to capacitive coupling to pick up traffic signals, electromagnetic flowmeters measure the capacitance detection method than the short-contact electrode capacitance electromagnetic flow meter, the principle fancy diagram. Preamplifier placed alone in the sensor electrode, high excitation frequency EMF than usual, for 50 / 2Hz, who also has more than 100Hz. This class does not produce meter electrode passivation, oxidation and catalytic role of the electrode surface effect of noise, but also the opportunity to slurry flow noise and the noise does not exist. Surface covering oil and other non-conductive layer or a thin layer of insulation lining will not affect the measurement; but if it is a conductive film overlay the meter will no indication. Meter factory, said some foreign instruments such as non-electrode electromagnetic flowmeter.

